Title and Meta Descriptions

On Page Optimization

Title and Meta Descriptions


Using this module you can set custom page titles, meta descriptions

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Title and meta descriptions are important components of your website’s content. They should include the most relevant keywords to the content of the web page they describe.

This helps most search engines understand what the page is about and index it properly.

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What is a title tag?

A title tag is an HTML element that specifies the title of a page.

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Title tags are displayed on search engine results as the clickable headlines for given results, and are important for SEO, usability and social sharing.

Titles give users a quick insight into the content of the web page and how it might be relevant to their inquiry.

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What is a meta description?

Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that supply short summaries of web pages.

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They commonly appear underneath the clickable links in search results pages.

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Social Meta

Setup if you wish to Use Social Meta Tags, setup a website custom name & image, Homepage OpenGraph Type & much more! You can do so as general setting, or on each post / page / custom taxonomy.

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Twitter Cards

Setup if you wish to use Twitter Cards Meta Tags! Just like the Facebook Meta module, you have general settings for the Twitter Cards Module as well.

Why are the twitter cards meta tags important? Well, if someone shares / tweets about any page of your website, it will not be displayed just as a simple link, but something more!

Summary Card

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Also, on each page / post /custom taxonomy you can setup custom twitter meta details.

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Title and meta descriptions – How to video

Checkout other Features

Other Features

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SERP Tracking

Using our SERP Tracking module, track keywords and pages in order to save time and improve your rankings.

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404 Monitor

The 404 Monitor module logs attempts by bots or people to access something on your website which does not exist.

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Link Redirect

Redirects are very important, especially if you’re moving your website from one domain to another.

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The Gtmetrix module is a tool used to easily determine the performance of your site. Gtmetrix is probably one of