Link Redirect


Link Redirect


Redirects are very important, especially if you’re moving your website from one domain to another.

link redirect - linkredirect - Link Redirect

301 Redirects are very important, especially if you’re moving your website from one domain name to another.

One of the biggest reasons is because it tells Google or any other search engine that the URL indexed by the search engine was moved to another permanent address and anyone who has clicked on the old URL will get redirected to the new URL.

Redirect Rules

Custom URL

Redirect Types

301 Moved Permanently
302 Found (was: Moved Temporarily)
307 Temporary Redirect
403 Forbidden
404 Page Not Found
410 Gone – Content Deleted
451 Content Unavailable For Legal Reasons
Never Checked
Valid Status
Invalid Status Posts
Slug Modified Terms
Slug Modified


Also, on each redirect you have the following options:

Publish / Unpublish

Edit / Update


Verify URL Redirect Status – Valid or Invalid

link redirect - valid - Link Redirect


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SERP Tracking

Using our SERP Tracking module, track keywords and pages in order to save time and improve your rankings.

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404 Monitor

The 404 Monitor module logs attempts by bots or people to access something on your website which does not exist.

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Link Redirect

Redirects are very important, especially if you’re moving your website from one domain to another.

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